For lovers of good books and creative expression
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Lulu Taylor's stunning cover.
Our Next Event:
Lulu Taylor
Talk and book signing
Thurs 27 February
Sherborne's very own Lulu Taylor has once again come up with the perfect
recipe for winter warmth in novel form: The Last Song of Winter. It's a beautiful story set on a remote Welsh island and glamorous pre-war Paris, in which the lives of two intriguing female characters become entwined. Louise Troup will be finding out about this latest book, and much more, when she meets up with Lulu in D'Urberville for a fireside chat. Join them in what is a new venue for the Society to find out more about the art of storytelling, and enjoy a warming drink on
February 27th. A wonderful evening for writers and readers alike.
Novelist Lulu Taylor moved around the world as a child before her family
settled in the Oxfordshire countryside. She studied English at Oxford
and had a successful career in publishing before becoming a
writer herself - her first novel, Heiresses, was nominated for the RNA Readers' Choice Award. Lulu has since written a succession of gothic, mysterious novels, including The Snow Angel, Her Frozen Heart and the
bestselling The Winter Children. The Last Song of Winter is her tenth novel.

Sherborne Literary Society exists to:
Raise the profile of reading
Provide a forum for the local area's aspiring writers and give access to established ones.
Raise the profile of writing
Create an interest in books among young audiences and continue to inspire older ones.
Meet and share new ideas
Bring together national and local authors to discuss their writing and share inspiration.
Encourage creative expression
Demonstrate the fun and creativity associated with the written word in all forms.